+1(202) 492 3417


Africa-Centered-Design-Thinking and Project-Based, and Experiential Learning for private and public sector leaders and institutions.

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Agenda-2063: The Africa We Want by equipping private and public sector leaders and institutions to build thriving and competitive human and institutional capacity in Africa.

We do not follow a one-size-fits-all approach. We don’t assume we know it all. Our consultancy, coaching and mentoring services are designed, executed, and implemented by working side by side with our clients. We work with each client as if they are the only client. We commit 100%.

Ubuntu for capacity building!



Is the cornerstone of everything we do. We are keen to our clients’ needs and priorities.  Our services are catered and contextualized to address identified needs.


I am, because we are!

 We believe in walking together to go far. We thrive on bringing the best of the two continents – Africa and the United States.                   



Is the cornerstone of everything we do. We are keen to our clients’ needs and priorities.  Our services are catered and contextualized to address identified needs.


I am, because we are!

 We believe in walking together to go far. We thrive on bringing the best of the two continents – Africa and the United States.                   

africa, continent, map-7321556.jpg

About Us

Eleos Groups LLC works on capacity building focusing on African private and public sector leaders and their respective institutions through its tailored consulting, training, and coaching services.

Eleos Groups LLC works toward the realization of Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want through its residential (USA), visiting (Partner African Countries), online and hybrid platforms focusing on Executive Education and Digitally Enabled Services.

The foundation of Eleos Groups LLC is laid on Africa-Centered-Design-Thinking and Ubuntu: I am therefore we are.

It operates under the motto: Ubuntu for Capacity Building!


Private Sector Leaders
(C-Suite level)

Public Sector Leaders
(C-Suite level)

Woman Executive Leaders


Our Unique Approach

Educational Visits
Shadowing & Networking

(World Bank HQ, IMF, Capitol Hill, Financial Institutions )

Realtime & Project-based


Mentoring & Coaching

Personal & Professional

Experiential Learning

 ( by Experts & Practitioner)